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Supervised Visits & Exchange Services

Image by Kelly Sikkema

Global Gardens Family Solutions Center Supervised Visitation & Exchange Services operates in partnership with the American Academy of Arts & Leadership, Inc. Thank you for contacting our office regarding supervised visitation and/or exchange services for you and your child/ren with The American Academy of Arts & Leadership, Inc. Global Gardens Family Solutions Center Supervised Visitation and Exchanges services. We understand this may be a difficult time for you and your family, so our goal is to try to support and facilitate your access and visitation with your children, if possible, and when appropriate. 


How to Get Started

To begin the supervised visitation and/or exchange process with us, we have enclosed a packet of information and materials for your completion. This includes required forms we need for you to complete and submit to us as part of a required intake process. An intake is the gathering of information about you and your case to determine the safety needs involved for the court-ordered supervised visitation/exchange service and whether the agency can reasonably ensure the safety of everyone involved. The purpose of the intake is to help guide our review process to decide whether we can or cannot provide services to you and your family. California law requires this comprehensive intake screening process before we provide services. Please see this requirement under Standard 5.20 of the California Standards of Judicial Administration (Uniform Standards of Practice for Providers of Supervised Visitation). 


Referrals We Can and Cannot Accept 

We provide supervised visitation/exchange services conducted virtually, and on-site and off-site for Sacramento County and the surrounding counties. Off-site supervised visitation means that the supervised visit between you and your child/ren may occur  out in the community, such as in a park, restaurant, or other public area outside of the agency facility. We cannot provide supervised visitation and/or exchange services without a court order. 


Hours of Operation

We offer online and onsite supervised visitation and/or exchange services only during the following:
Monday - Sunday 10:00a.m. - 10:00p.m.


We must prepare a written contract that must be signed by each parent before services can be provided. The contract or program service agreement must tell you about the rules and guidelines for supervised visitation and/or exchange services. 

If you or the other parent is not able to complete the intake process, the agency will not be able to provide services, but we will keep a record of all contact made by you and the other parent regarding your efforts in trying to schedule [a] separate intake. The contact information will be recorded whether we accept your case or decline services for you and your family. 


Orientation Process

After we conduct a review of each parent’s information, our office will contact you to let you know whether we can or cannot accept your request for services. If we determine that service delivery can be provided to you and your family, we will schedule an orientation session with you, the other parent, and the child (if child is of sufficient age and capacity—this means able to understand for their age). The orientation interview will be conducted separately from the other parent and the parent that has physical custody of the child (this means who the child is currently living with now) is responsible for bringing the child to the orientation session. 


The purpose of the orientation is to: (1) go over the rules and guidelines for services; (2) discuss the site location; (3) have you sign the contract or program service agreement including answering any additional questions or concerns you may have before we schedule your first visit or exchange with the child/ren.  The orientation process should take approximately an hour and half, but this will depend on the number of questions and information provided to us during the orientation. Information regarding the orientation will only be sent to you if we agree to accept your case. 

We cannot provide services or schedule the supervised visit/exchange between you and your child until the intake and orientation processes has been completed by both you, and the other parent.  


What Happens Next: 

Once the intake process has been completed, we will call you and inform you of the agency decision to accept your case or why we cannot accept your case. The intake process generally takes several weeks and depends on the extent of information received from you and the other parent. There is a nonrefundable intake fee of $99 per hour and it is payable by the person that is listed in the court order to pay for supervised visitation/exchange services. Financial assistance is available on a sliding scale for anyone suffering extreme financial hardships. If your court order does not provide specific information regarding who should pay for the supervised visitation and/or exchange service, then you must go back to court regarding the fees for service. 

If you should have any questions about the enclosed materials or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me; otherwise we look forward to speaking with you soon. Thank you again for consideration of your supervised visitation and/or exchange service needs for you and your family.


Next Steps:

  1. Intake form  (Download)

  2. Fees (costs) for services

  3. Copy of Standard 5.20 

  4. Copy of the brochure called
    Supervised Visitation Services in California

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